Continuing Education
We believe that knowledge is power when put into action. The more you know, the better you can be and live. Just like Preston Robinson, ND. attends classes and studies to build upon his knowledge base and ability to help others, we want our clients to do the same. That is why we offer various classes (educational, encouraging and fun) to our clients. We do this because it is the best way to learn, have fun and improve your wellness experience and lifestyle.
Wellness Seminars and Classes
Preston Robinson, ND. provides his expertise and life-long study on health and wellness to any and all listeners. You are more than welcome to attend multiple workshops, but we greatly encourage you to refer your family, friends, co-workers and anyone to our workshops. Our goal is to reach and help as many people as possible. These informative and fun workshops help to dispel myths, provide education and give hope to those with health and wellness problems. Ask our front desk when the class will be held.
Wellness Program Classes
Preston outlines and teaches on various subjects including adrenal fatigue, gastro-intestinal dysfunction, female/male hormone imbalance, metabolism enhancement, workout theory. These classes are for practice members and their families. They are held at designated times and dates. The atmosphere is fun and informal with the emphasis on patient education to provide the most out of your Wellness Program.
Fitness Training Class
Preston teaches the Fitness Training Class. All patients are encouraged to attend. The entire Workout Program will be covered in this class with individual and group participation along with questions and answer time so that you will understand and “own” the concepts and activity required to achieve maximum results.