Lifestyle Recommendations:
• Get professional help and emotional support if depression is an accompanying issue; connect with others dealing with same digestive issues
• Avoid endurance exercises and sports; concentrate on mild exercises such as walking or bouncing on a rebounder
• Incorporate regular relaxation and breathing exercises to cope with stress
• Resolve any chronic stress, this includes emotional, physical and chemical stress
• Chew all food thoroughly
• Avoid all supplements that use black pepper extract, also called piperine
• Avoid triggers like chewing gum, toothpastes and acids
• Be moderate with alcohol and quit smoking
• Keep a small kit of anti-diarrheal supplements, disposable wipes, change of clothes and natural cleansers to deal with emergencies while away from home
• Consider assessing nutrient deficiencies, stealth infections, GI health, and food sensitivities
Dietary Tips and Caveats:
• Avoid all grains including wheat, rye, oats, barley, spelt, kamut, buckwheat, bulgur, amaranth, quinoa, teff (this includes crackers, cookies, bread and pastries)
• Avoid dairy products. Goat’s milk and cheese from goat’s milk may be acceptable if no sensitivity to them exists.
• Choose leaner cuts of meats and fatty fish; avoid high fat foods like creams and nut butters
• Avoid sugar and sweetened products. Replace sugar with stevia; avoid neurotoxins like MSG.
• Avoid carageenan-containing products since this can irritate the GI tract
• Avoid any known food allergies.
• Avoid all foods that cause diarrhea like high fiber, stringy vegetables and beans; also avoid corn which is hard to digest
• Avoid eating whole seeds and nuts
• Eat 5-9 servings fresh, organic fruits and vegetables; add PaleoGreens™ and PaleoReds™ to favorite beverages
• Avoid sodas and carbonated drinks
Supplement Recommendations:
ImmunoMod-A™ 2 capsules 2 times per day
Tegricel® Colostrum 2 capsules with each meal, 6 per day
Probiotic Synergy™ Probiospheres 1 sphere per day with breakfast
or FloraMyces™ 1-2 capsules per day
GI-Revive™ powder 1 tsp twice per day
OmegAvail™ Synergy 2 softgels with each meal, 6 per day
Optional, for support: Aloe/200x™ 1 capsule
L-Glutamine powder Add 1 Tbsp to GI-Revive™
The above protocol is designed as a general approach for dealing with the most common issues involved in Crohn’s and colitis. If you do not see results after several weeks you should contact us for a personal evaluation. The above recommended supplements can be acquired by clicking here.