Lifestyle Recommendations:
• Perform an estrogen metabolism test, such as the Estronex Profile.
• Avoid a sedentary lifestyle; incorporate regular exercise into lifestyle; get outdoors and into the sunshine.
• Avoid toxic chemical exposure in the home; opt for safe cleaners; have plenty of air-cleaning plants in the home; use HEPA filters.
• Use organic and safe cosmetics to avoid exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals. References can be found on the Environmental Working Group’s “Skin Deep” database.
• Maintain ideal weight and body composition; avoid abdominal fat.
• Eliminate or avoid excess alcohol.
• Do not allow sleep deprivation; use nutrition to help with chronic insomnia if necessary.
• Pray/meditate/rest restoratively every day to improve the immune system.
• Avoid dwelling on negative emotions and thoughts, holding grudges, and neglecting self-care; embrace gratitude.
• Spend quality time with true friends.
Dietary Tips and Caveats:
• Choose organic, antibiotic and hormone-free dairy and animal products and organic produce.
• Consume adequate amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids which can be obtained daily through 5-9 servings of vegetables/fruit. If unable to consume the recommended servings of vegetables/fruit, add 1-2 tablespoons of PaleoGreens™ and PaleoReds™ in purified water daily.
• Choose healthy fats and high quality whole protein sources; avoid ALL fried foods and partially hydrogenated fats.
• Avoid sugar-laden foods and high fructose corn syrup.
• Eat freshly ground flax seeds or chia seeds to incorporate more fiber into the diet.
• Eat an abundance of cruciferous vegetables in order to supply beneficial isothiocyanates.
• Use an abundance of herbs and spices such as turmeric, garlic, basil, and cloves.
Supplement Recommendations:
Curcum-Evail™ 2 softgels per day with a meal
Vitamin D Supreme 1 capsule per day with a meal
DIM-Evail™ 1 softgel per day with breakfast
BroccoProtect™ 1 capsule per day with breakfast
Calcium-D-Glucarate 2 capsules with meals (1,200 mgs) Note: dosages of 2,000–3,000 mg may be recommended for certain situations
Optional for support: Annatto Tocotrienols 2 capsules per day after dinner
The above protocol is designed as a general approach for dealing with the most common issues involved in breast cancer. If you do not see results after several weeks you should contact us for a personal evaluation. The above recommended supplements can be acquired by clicking here.